/**********************************************************Author XJ Shi. FileName: Gabor.h
Define the class head to Gabor Filter
@ 2011.1.2***********************************************************/
#ifndef _GABOR_H#define _GABOR_H#include <stdio.h>#include <iostream>//#include <stdafx.h>#include <cv.h>#define PI 3.14159#define GAMMA 0.5 //The default value of γ,which is the spatial aspect ratio (sigma_x/sigma_y)#define RATIO_S2L 0.56 //The default value of σ/λclass Gabor {
public: //@construct Gabor(float dLambda, float dTheta,float dRatio_S2L = RATIO_S2L, float dGamma = GAMMA,float dPhi = 0); //@abolish
void init(float dLambda,float dTheta, float dPhi,float dGamma = GAMMA); //@init void init(float dSigma, float dTheta, float dPhi); //@init void init(); //@To find whether the Gabor kernel is created bool is_kernel(){ return bKernel; } //@To find whether the parameters is inited bool is_init() { return bInit; } //@To find whether the parameters inited is enough bool is_param() { return bParam; } //@Get the kernel in matrix form CvMat* get_Mat() { return pGaborfilter; } //@Get the kernel in image form IplImage* get_Imge(); //@Do the filtering operation to input image with Gabor kernel IplImage* do_filter(const IplImage *src);protected: bool bParam; //bool , if the parameters inited are enough bool bKernel; //bool bool bInit; //bool float Lambda; //Wavelength of the cosine factor, which represent the central frequency of Gabor filter float Theta; //Orientation of the Gabor function, the axis x' float Sigma; // The standard deviation of x, and for y , it is Sigma/Gamma; float Gamma; // The spatial aspect ratio float Phi; //The phase offset of Gabor CvSize GaborWindow; //The width of window CvMat *pGaborfilter; //The kernel of Gabor filter
private: void create_kernel();};
/*************************************************************************************************Author: XJ Shi. FileName: Gabor.cpp
The member function in class Gabor
@2010.1.3**************************************************************************************************/#include <iostream>#include <cv.h>#include <highgui.h>#include <Gabor.h>#include <cstdlib>
Gabor::Gabor(float dLambda, float dTheta, float dRatio_S2L, float dGamma, float dPhi){ Lambda = dLambda; Theta = dTheta; Sigma = dLambda*dRatio_S2L; Gamma = dGamma; Phi = dPhi; pGaborfilter = NULL; bParam = 1;}
Gabor::~Gabor(){ cvReleaseMat(&pGaborfilter);}void Gabor::init(){ float dtmp; int itmp; if(is_param() == 0) { printf("The parameters are not enough!"); } else { dtmp = sqrt(48*pow(Sigma,2)+1); itmp = cvRound(dtmp); if(itmp%2 == 0) itmp ++; GaborWindow.height = GaborWindow.width = 16; bInit = 1;
create_kernel(); }}
void Gabor::init(float dSigma, float dTheta, float dPhi){ float dtmp; int itmp;
Sigma = dSigma; Theta = dTheta; Phi = dPhi; Gamma = GAMMA; Lambda = Sigma/RATIO_S2L; bParam = 1; dtmp = sqrt(24*pow(Sigma,2)); itmp = cvRound(dtmp); if(itmp%2 == 0) itmp ++; GaborWindow.height = GaborWindow.width = itmp; bInit = 1;
void Gabor::init(float dLambda, float dTheta, float dPhi, float dGamma){ float dtmp; int itmp; Lambda = dLambda; Theta = dTheta; Phi = dPhi; Gamma = dGamma; Sigma = Lambda * RATIO_S2L; bParam = 1;
dtmp = sqrt(24*pow(Sigma,2)); itmp = cvRound(dtmp); if(itmp%2 == 0) itmp ++; GaborWindow.height = GaborWindow.width = itmp; bInit = 1;
void Gabor::create_kernel(){ float tmp1,tmp2,xtmp,ytmp,re; int i,j,x,y; if(is_init() == 0) printf("The parameters haven't been initialed!"); else{pGaborfilter = cvCreateMat(GaborWindow.height,GaborWindow.width,CV_32FC1); for(i= 0; i< GaborWindow.height; i++) for(j = 0; j< GaborWindow.width; j++) { x = j - GaborWindow.width/2; y = i - GaborWindow.height/2;
xtmp = (float)x*cos(Theta) - (float)y*sin(Theta); ytmp = (float)x*sin(Theta) + (float)y*cos(Theta); tmp1 = exp(-(pow(xtmp,2)+pow(ytmp*Gamma,2))/(2*pow(Sigma,2))); tmp2 = cos(2*PI*xtmp/Lambda + Phi); // int p=sizeof(float); re = tmp1*tmp2; cvSetReal2D((CvMat*)pGaborfilter,i,j,re); } bKernel = 1; }}
IplImage* Gabor::get_Imge(){ if(is_kernel() == 0) printf("The filter hasn't bee created!");
IplImage *pImg = cvCreateImage(GaborWindow,IPL_DEPTH_32F,1); IplImage *pImgU8 = cvCreateImage(GaborWindow,IPL_DEPTH_8U,1); CvMat * pMat = cvCreateMat(GaborWindow.height,GaborWindow.width,CV_32FC1); cvCopy(pGaborfilter,pImg);
//pImg->imageData = (char *)pMat->data;
cvNormalize((IplImage*)pImg, (IplImage*)pImg,0,255,CV_MINMAX,NULL); cvConvertScaleAbs(pImg,pImgU8,1,0);
return pImgU8; }}
IplImage * Gabor::do_filter(const IplImage *src){ if(is_kernel()==false) printf("The Gabor Kernel has not been created!"); else{ IplImage *pDestImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(src->width,src->height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1); // IplImage * pGaborImage = get_Imge(); // CvMat GaborKernel = cvMat(pGaborImage->height,pGaborImage->width,CV_8U,pGaborImage->imageData); IplImage *tmpImg = cvCloneImage(src); IplImage *tmpGrayImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(src->width,src->height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1); if(tmpImg->nChannels != 1) cvCvtColor(tmpImg,tmpGrayImg,CV_BGR2GRAY); else { cvReleaseImage(&tmpGrayImg); tmpGrayImg = tmpImg; } CvMat * pGaborKernel = get_Mat(); cvFilter2D(tmpGrayImg,pDestImage,pGaborKernel,cvPoint((GaborWindow.width-1)/2,(GaborWindow.height-1)/2)); cvReleaseImage(&tmpImg);
return pDestImage; }}
/*******************************************************************FileName: test.cppThe main function is in the file.2010.1.3***********************************************************************/
#include <iostream>#include <Gabor.h>#include "cv.h"#include "highgui.h"#include <ctype.h>
void main(){ Gabor filter1(2.74,PI*3/4,RATIO_S2L,GAMMA,0); filter1.init(); IplImage* pGaborImg = filter1.get_Imge(); IplImage* inputImg = cvLoadImage("F://12.jpg",-1); cvNamedWindow("InputImage",CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cvShowImage("InputImage",inputImg);
cvNamedWindow("Gabor",CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cvShowImage("Gabor",pGaborImg);
IplImage* outImage = filter1.do_filter(inputImg); cvNamedWindow("OutputImage",CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cvShowImage("OutputImage",outImage); int key; key = cvWaitKey(0); cvSaveImage("F:\\GaborKernel.jpg",pGaborImg); //cvReleaseImage(&pGaborImg); cvSaveImage("F:\\FilteredImage.jpg",outImage);